姓名 劉學言
現時職位 講師
辦公室地址 A612室
辦公室電話 (852) 3702 4551
電郵 hylau@cihe.edu.hk


劉學言,英國雷丁大學(The University of Reading)博士生,研究英文歌詞社會語言學,同時亦是香港明愛專上學院語文及通識科講師。先後在香港大學和香港中文大學取得兩個文學碩士學位,主修領域分別是語言學和哲學。前者以優異(Distinction)成績修畢,而後者更是獲得院長嘉許譽錄(Dean's List)。除了學術領域上的發展,我亦堅持對音樂的熱誠,特別是歐美六十年代起的音樂,包括披頭四(The Beatles)和後來的皇后樂團(Queen)、老鷹樂團(The Eagles)、Elton John等等。其歌詞總是若隱若現地呈現出一些社會性信息。因此,便開始了一系列關於英文歌詞的語言學研究。除此之外,亦展開了哲學領域上的寫作和研究,主要是包括海德格哲學、中國哲學和哲學輔導。


文學碩士 (香港大學) 2020
文學碩士 (香港中文大學) 2022
現時是英國雷丁大學(The University of Reading)博士生




  1. Lau, H. Y. (Forthcoming). Women's dilemmatic constraints in emerging second-wave feminism: Heideggerian ambivalence and oscillation between authenticity and inauthenticity. Journal of Advanced Research in Women's Studies, 1(2), 19-31. ISSN: 2783-7122
  2. Lau, H. Y. (Forthcoming). Existential relationship between teacher-centred learning and student-centred learning: Inauthentic solicitude as a necessary condition of authentic solicitude. In W. K. Ma (Ed.), Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (ELITE 2023).
  3. Lau, H. Y. (Forthcoming). Technology-aided learning at the intersection of presence-at-hand and readiness-to-hand and the fusion of horizons among students, technology and teachers. In W. K. Ma (Ed.), Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education International.
  4. Lau, H. Y. (2023). Existential relationship between teacher-centred learning and student-centred learning: Inauthentic solicitude as a necessary condition of authentic solicitude. Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education International Conference (ELITE 2023). Tung Wah College.
  5. Lau, H. Y. (2023). Technology-aided learning at the intersection of presence-at-hand and readiness-to-hand and the fusion of horizons among students, technology and teachers. Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education International Conference (ELITE 2023). Tung Wah College.
  6. Lau, H. Y. (2023). Problems of exacerbation to Dasein in the modern technological world by use of the early Heidegger's theories: Readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand.  In K. K. W. Mak (Ed.), Advances in Techno-Humanities: Case Studies from Culture, Philosophy and the Arts. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003376491
  7. Lau, H. Y. (2023). Dilemmatic constraints on women in emerging second-wave feminism: Heideggerian ambivalence and oscillation between authenticity and inauthenticity. The 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ICARSS). The U.K.: Cambridge
  8. Lau, H. Y. (2023). Co-presence of readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand as the shape of things by revisiting technology-aided learning from the Heideggerian perspective. In C. Hong & W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Applied Degree Education: The Shape of Things to Come (93-106). Springer.  ISBN: 9789811993145, 9811993149
  9. Lau, H. Y. (2022). Heideggerian authenticity of Being-towards-death: A possible road to morality and intersubjectivity to settle death in a Confucian way. In Cheung, C. F. (Chan-Fai). (Ed.), 死亡與年老哲學論文集 (Essay Collection on Philosophy of Dying and Ageing) (pp. 119-156). Noctua Publication.
  10. Lau, H. Y. (2022). Problems of exacerbation to Dasein in the modern technological world by Use of the early Heidegger's theories: Readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand. Conference on Building a Techno-Humanities Culture in Hong Kong. Caritas Institute of Higher Education.
  11. Lau, H. Y. (2022). On cancel culture from the Heideggerian perspective: Volatility of authenticity & inauthenticity. International Conference of Arts and Humanities (9th).
  12. Lau, H. Y. (2020). Sociolinguistic analysis of the Beatles music within the Dynamic Model of Exchange: Feminism and Beatlemania quantitative and qualitative linguistic approaches (Thesis publication). The University of Hong Kong Libraries. The University of Hong Kong.