Prof. Yuen, Mr. Lam, Dr. Fung & Mr. Lee interviewed by Recruit

10 Jul 2020

Prof. Susana Yuen (Dean, Rita Tong Liu School of Business and Hospitality Management), Mr. Gary Lam (Head, Department of Design), Dr. Ita Fung (Associate Dean (Planning and Development), School of Health Sciences) and Mr. Dominic Lee (Acting Associate Director, Career Centre) were interviewed by Recruit, sharing how working adults can enhance their competitiveness during the pandemic. The teaching staff also introduced three part-time programmes offered by CIHE&CBCC, i.e.  Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (part-time)Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Management (Honours) in Design Business (part-time) and Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) (Part-time Top-up Programme)

Read more (Chinese only):
明愛專上學院 在職專業進修 知識變就業實力
