Media coverage of CIHE&CBCC new programmes (BSPT)

03 Jul 2020
CIHE&CBCC will offer five new Bachelor's degree including Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy (BSPT) as well as two Higher Diploma programmes in the coming 2020/21 academic year. 

In the press conference held on 23 June 2020, Prof. Arran Leung (Programme Leader of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy) and Dr. Tiffany Choi (Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences) introduced the Physiotherapy programme and newly established Physiotherapy labs. Relevant news coverage is as follows (Chinese only):

(蘋果)物理治療師人手短缺 明愛專上學院開課程提供逾4萬新生學費資助
(東方)本港需求大 有自資院校開辦物理治療學士課程
(經濟日報)明愛專上學院開辦物理治療學士課程 首屆收生50人9月開學
(香港01)DSE 2020|明愛新學年開物理治療課程 收生成績至少五科達20分

Students who are interested in Physiotherapy can apply for the programmes NOW!
Oriental Daily Sing Tao Ming Pao HKET