The Applied Psychology and Humanities in Holistic Development: Philosophy and Practice (1-3 Mar 2018)

27 Oct 2017

The conference on ‘The Applied Psychology and Humanities in Holistic Development: Philosophy and Practice’ (全人發展的應用心理與人文精神:哲學與實踐) will be held at CIHE on 1 to 3 March, 2018.  The conference is organized by The International Society of Chinese Applied Psychology (Hong Kong, Macau, and TaiWan) and co-organised by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong and Research Unit on Love, Marriage and Family, School of Humanities and Languages, CIHE. 

The call-for-papers leaflet is here.  Please visit the website for further information:  

Please feel free to call 3653-6760/3653-6656 should you have any enquiries.

The four themes of paper include: Mental Health (精神心理), Humanities (人文哲學), Intervention and Therapy (介入治療), and Social Concern(社區關懷). The submission deadline is now extended to 30 November, 2017.

We look forward to receiving your paper and meeting you in the conference. 
