Feature Hallways

Thank you for your donation to Saint Francis University (SFU)!  In recognition of your donation,  SFU set up the Feature Hallways on each level of the Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC) Building with inspiring themes on Catholic beliefs, and exquisite images of porcelain art and canvas painting.  Acknowledgement opportunities for various tiers of donation are available for donors' choice.  You may put together the names of your family, the names of your affiliated group, or post meaningful verse(s) on the naming board of the Hallway.

The 10 themes of Feature Hallway are as follows:

Please take a look at the Feature Hallways now:

CBCC Building 

Level 10 - Ten Commandments Hallway

Level 9 - Nine Fruits of the Spirit Hallway

Level 8 - Eight Beatitudes Hallway

Level 7 - Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Hallway

Level 6- Six Caritas Objectives Hallway

Level 5 - Five Catholic Education Values Hallway

Level 4 - Four Gospels Hallway

Level 3 - Three Patron Saints Hallway

Level 2 - The Hypostatic Union Hallway (Mystery of Incarnation: God become human)

Level 1 - One God Hallway